
No Touching
Patrons are cautioned to avoid touching artwork and displays. Violators will be held accountable for any damages that may occur.
No Eating or Drinking
Eating and Drinking are prohibited in museum galleries except during receptions and on the second floor when renters are held for liable damages.
No Unaccompanied Children
Running, shoving, pushing, and other forms of physical activity are not permitted and may cause damage to exhibits.
Please be respectful of other patrons and use inside voices. Refrain from playing music or taking calls on speaker phone. Please silence your cell phones and other electronic devices.
No Smoking
State Law prohibits smoking, including the use of vapes, inside and within 20 feet of the building.
Electrical Outlets
Electrical outlets are reserved for exhibit use only and are not for public use.
No Loitering
We ask that guests take their time viewing the exhibits, but do not loiter in the museum. Please, no sitting on the floors.
The premises, including the entrances, are under video surveillance. Violators will be held accountable for any damages to the artwork.
Please comply with our rules and enjoy your visit here!